Monday 8 April 2013

Oh Honey, Honey, How you Thrill Me: Bee Strong

I love a good conditioner, like, truly, madly, deeply and all that jazz. But once upon a time I had my heart broken. The people at the The Body Shop lured me in with a  hair care duo based on honey. It was thick, creamy, left me with lovely, glossy, tumbling curls and had a scent that lingered gently in your hair for hours. 

Not so long after I fell in love they took it away forever and I've never really gotten over it.

Now Herbal Essences have just added a new flavour to their line of shampoos, conditioners and masques. It goes by the name Bee Strong and it's a honey based line designed to heal damaged hair. My hair spends the majority of the year a bright, unnatural red, so I'm all for anything that packs a little more tlc.

The formula of all three products is thick and creamy across the board which so far has left my hair very, very soft and healthy looking. The only drawback is the residue I felt the conditioner left in my hair the first and only time I've used it (however this may have been due to my own lazy rinsing, so we'll have to wait and see). Scent-wise, I'm easily pleased with anything that smells like honey and there was no disappointment here but alas, it doesn't stick around for long.

Over all I'd recommend giving this a go if you feel your hair is going through a rough patch or if, like myself, you're generally inclined to fall on the straw-ier side of life. Those who suffer with greasy or fine hair may want to give this a miss or at least keep it for those times you really want to treat your hair.
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